How Will You Use Your Life?

May the peace of Christ fill your hearts and minds!

No one can read today’s scripture readings without asking themselves a serious question: What have I done with my life?

This question that Jesus poses is not meant to intimidate or cause us to judge ourselves or other people harshly. It is intended to make us reflect, deeply and personally on our life’s focus, purpose and efforts. The question is one that somebody else can’t answer for us, we must answer it for ourselves. The response to the question is meant to guide us in the direction that we need to go. To God.

Jerry Kramer was an all-pro lineman for the Green Bay Packers whose life was focused on football and the achievement of glory among men. Later in his life, Jerry began to reflect on his accomplishments and what he had to show for them. He had a very fine home, a ranch in Idaho, several cars and a nice boat. He thought, “isn’t all this wonderful?” Then, in reading accounts of people who were resuscitated after having been declared clinically dead, Jerry discovered that there was a deeper question to be answered. In one of the accounts, the person recalled the experience of floating upward and encountering a being of light that asked “what have you done with your life?” In pondering this story, Jerry knew that his life’s accomplishments could not just consist of the attainment of possessions or fame. He was struck by the thought that if he could accomplish one great thing, it would be to give his children Gospel values. Jerry realized that he had not done for his children what his father had done for him because he had been focused on himself most of the time.

The question before us is not whether we have material wealth or whether we have made personal achievements: God intends that we have both. The question asks whether or not we have used our lives and resources to promote the Kingdom of Heaven which is radically beneficial to ourselves and others. It’s the kind of question that goes to the heart of why we are here and what we do with God’s gift of life. Like you, I want to be able to smile at Jesus in hope on my day of reckoning and show him that I love him with the account that I will give.

May God enrich you with all blessings! +++ Fr Peter

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