Seek Heavenly Treasure!

May the light of Christ give you joy and peace!

This weekend’s Gospel reminds us that nothing in this world lasts forever. Jesus says don’t be afraid to make a real and true commitment to use our resources in a way that will secure a heavenly treasure. Heavenly treasure can never be stolen or lost or decay. In fact, it becomes an eternal weight of glory. No one in today’s stock market or investment firms can make that promise! Sigmund Freud had a favorite story that touches on the point of preparing for the future.

There was once a sailor who swam to the shore of an island after his ship wrecked. When the natives found him, they rejoiced and carried him on their shoulders and made him king of the island. As with any king, the people would joyfully do anything the king asked of them. One day he asked why they made him, a perfect stranger, their king, they replied: because the person selected to be king can only be a king for one year. When the year has passed, he is then taken to a desert island, Kings Island, and left there to die as a sacrifice to the gods. The sailor realized that if he was going to survive, he needed a plan for the future. As king, he ordered the carpenters of the island to build a small fleet of boats. When the boats were ready, he ordered the farmers to dig up fruit trees and nutritious plants, put them in the boats and transplant them on Kings Island. Then he ordered the masons to go and build a house on Kings Island so that when the year ended and it was time for him to be banished, he would have things stored and ready for his arrival.

Although the story of the sailor is simplistic, it does help us to understand what Jesus is getting at. As disciples of Jesus, we recognize that God is more important than anything else. God is the source of all our lives and we hope to come to an eternal dwelling with God. As stewards of God’s many gifts, we know that God blesses and prospers our efforts to use his gifts wisely in the world. Our mission is to increase faith and participation in God’s kingdom on earth. Any investments that we make for God’s sake in the world will help the community of faith on earth. Those who devote themselves and their resources to the mission of the Church will inherit an eternal reward. Even those who offer a cup of water, like Veronica, will be rewarded.

May God enrich you all with his blessings! +++ Fr Peter

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