Pray For Vocations!

Peace to you and your house!

For the past couple of weeks the readings have called us to reflect upon the theme of vocation.  Although I have not emphasized vocations to the priesthood and religious life in my homilies or articles, the readings certainly invite those who have not yet decided on a vocation to seriously search within and ask God for help in making a decision on which vocation to choose.

This weekend the Lord speaks on vocations to the priesthood and religious life when he says “ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest.” When we hear these words, we understand that we are to pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life.  It is also very important for us to speak of these vocations frequently and in a positive manner to our sons and daughters and young people encouraging them to seriously consider this amazing call to serve God in a special way.

When Jesus sends the seventy two disciples, he expects them to work together by using their particular gifts and talents for the sake of one goal: establishing faith in the Gospel and forming lifestyles that manifest God’s presence and wisdom in the world.  He sent them out empty handed so that they, like him, would grow in trust and confidence in God.  They did not carry anything with them except what people desire the most, the peace of the kingdom and they blessed the people and homes they encountered with the gift of peace.  When the disciples returned to Jesus they expressed amazement at the wonders that God worked through them.

For all those who have followed God’s call to the priesthood or religious life, these readings only begin to express how amazing it is to have such a wonderful life!  For God is always active in accomplishing wonderful, mighty deeds in our world through his special servants.  Just take a moment and think about the Eucharist and the whole dynamic around this event in our lives.  There is no comparison for the wonder and power we receive and share through the Eucharist!  Yet, if young men do not respond to God’s call, we won’t have it!  If families do not encourage the priesthood and religious life, we suffer a form of poverty that is hard to estimate.  Right now, St. Edward shares one priest where there were two.  This 1 priest serves 3 communities.  While St. Edward is fortunate enough to have Mass several times a week, the other 2 communities go hungry.

We are blessed to have Fr. Matt Libra and Fr. Dustin Busse as examples of how to follow God’s call to the priesthood!  Please pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life and please encourage young people to do something truly special and amazing by letting go of everything else and following God.  Thank you for your prayers and support!  May God bless you always! +++ Fr. Peter

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