Life After Death

May the light of Christ dwell within you!

The readings this weekend highlight the fact of life after death and the reward or punishment merited by our actions during our earthly sojourn.  The first reading from the book of Maccabees gives a stirring account of the seven brothers and their mother enduring torture and death rather than violate the laws of God.  They believed that by remaining faithful, they would be raised up in the resurrection of the just to receive a reward from God but their persecutors would be condemned.  In the second reading, St. Paul exhorts the Thessalonians to truly live the faith despite the challenges of non-believers and evil forces around them.  The solid grounds that he uses for his encouragement is the reality of the resurrection to eternal life that they all hope for.  In the Gospel, Jesus teaches his hearers something about what the resurrection will be like.  The Sadducees doubted a resurrection, but pose a supposition that things in the afterlife will be similar or the same as they are presently in this world but Jesus informs them that such is not the case.  He says that there is in fact a resurrection and that those who are worthy to rise to eternal life will be like angels.  We won’t have earthly bodies but spiritual bodies.

I think all of us try to imagine what heaven will be like.  I used to ask my parents about it frequently when I was young and they encouraged me to use my imagination.  It was fun to think about– it still is!  In fact, many of us need to remind ourselves that our efforts to live the Christian life will have a reward beyond our dreams.  A thought like that can give us the courage and strength to endure the day’s difficulties and save us from temptations.  As in every age, we are bombarded by worldly influences that draw us to focus on power, wealth, self-satisfaction, pleasures and material possessions.  The Maccabees family were severely pressured to recant their beliefs to gain worldly things but they chose heavenly rewards over anything their torturers could offer.  Their faith was such that they could not live with the burden of having denied their God and their conscience.  Let us pray that we may always encourage one another in our Catholic faith through word and example of life and death.

God bless you all! +++ Fr. Peter

Strive To Be Saints!

Peace and Grace to you!

This time of year is very special!  The days are shortening and the weather is getting cooler if not cold at times.  The leaves on the trees and shrubs are changing color and the harvest has been over.  It is a time of change, the end of a season, a time of transition, it is a time of dying.  It all happens so quickly!  We are reminded of the brevity of our lives.

This week we celebrate the Solemnity of All Saints and the feast of All souls.  These two celebrations point to the heart of our Christian faith: eternal life!

In our celebration of All Saints, we remember our great dignity and the gift of a great destiny as God’s holy people.  Our great Saints’ lives were dedicated to living completely for God, even in the smallest detail.  These Saints understood the relationship of complete communion with God and one another that all the baptized are invited to.  They struggled against sin for a greater prize—the living love of God in time and eternity!

Through the feast of all souls the Church remembers all those who have completed their earthly sojourn.  Some of them led holy lives, others didn’t but many of them are no doubt living in God’s presence.  Some are undergoing purification.  Sadly, some others may have lost the gift of eternal life by rejecting God—we hope and pray that no one may be lost but it is possible that some are.

At the center of our reflection is the great gift and mystery of the sacramental life of the Church.  This is what the Gospel story of Jesus and Zacchaeus tells us.

We can never forget that Jesus always calls us to a deeper, personal relationship with God and share the indwelling of God’s Spirit. It is friendship!  It is communion! It is a living and abiding love!

Zacchaeus represents the one who longs for the relationship and is willing to go out of his way to find it—even climb up a tree!  Jesus’ response to those who are like Zacchaeus is the same: “today I must stay at your house!”  No matter if that person was a sinner until that moment, Jesus is watchful for the opportunity to come into your heart!  Notice that the encounter with Jesus breaks open Zacchaeus’ heart and immediately, joy, peace, charity and desire for justice spring forth from him!  Zacchaeus is really happy!

In contrast, the crowd represents all those who do not desire or go out of their way to build a personal relationship with Jesus.  Instead of turning their heart to seek him in sincerity, they do their usual thing.  They grumble, criticize, complain and judge Zacchaeus, Jesus and probably everyone else.  They have no joy because they have not experienced the salvation that Jesus brings!  In the story, Jesus is a human being.  Zacchaeus was open to that.  If you were Jesus, would you want to stay with someone who was critical and judgmental toward you?  Or would you rather stay with someone who really wanted to know you and appreciate you?  Hopefully we can all be open to a new encounter with Jesus and grow in the joy of his communion!

God bless you always! +++ Fr. Peter

Prayerful Humility

Peace to you!

Last weekend we contemplated the qualities of persistence and insistence in the continual activity of our prayer.  This weekend, Jesus calls us to reflect on two inner qualities of our prayer: humility and pride.

In your own life of prayer, which figure do you most resemble?  Are you more like the Pharisee who ignores God by relishing your own vainglory?  Or are you more like the tax collector, who’s punctured heart is all too aware of his own unworthiness as he begs for mercy?  Are you aware of how you approach God in prayer?

The Pharisee practiced tithing and fasting, which are commendable religious practices but these became a source of personal pride—his downfall.  We get the sense that he became stagnant and hardened in his heart judging other people without compassion.  He could not see his own faults but could readily identify others’ shortcomings.  How does God respond to the prayers of the prideful and the arrogant?

The tax collector is not depicted as glorying in himself.  Rather he is someone who is deeply aware of his own failures.  The tax collector appears completely honest and vulnerable before God.  His prayer is in humble truth.  How do you suppose God answers the prayer of this sinner—who is humble and honest?

In the first reading from Sirach we hear that God has no favorites and is not partial.  Sirach also tells us that God is attentive to the call of the oppressed, the widow, the orphan, the poor and lowly.  God is also attentive to the prayer of the just; that is those who may not be poor, orphaned or widowed but are concerned about serving God rightly with their lives.  We are told that their prayer “reaches the heavens.”

We know that God loves all people everywhere all the time and responds generously to the just and the unjust alike.  The Pharisee who extols himself will be humbled eventually but in the meantime, will remain stuck, blinded and impoverished by his pride, unaware of the great richness of God’s love and mercy.  Those who are introspective and aware of their own sin and weakness that come before God in simple honesty asking for mercy, like the tax collector, will receive God’s mercy.  God does not wish that the sinner should die, but that they turn to him and live.  God lifts them up and helps them.

The religious practices of the Pharisee are good, for such exercises help us remain vibrant.  The humility of the sinful tax collector is good, for it reminds us that none of us are equal to God in our love.

In today’s prayer over the offerings, we pray that whatever we do in service of the Lord may be done above all to the Glory of God.  This is the mark we aim for in all things.

God bless you always! +++ Fr. Peter

What Is Prayer

Peace to you!  I thought you might enjoy something from my friend Fr. Boly.

What is prayer?  Prayer is awareness of God, engagement with God, abandonment to God.  Prayer is as natural as breathing, as spontaneous as wonder.  Prayer is holding your breath at the beauty of fall leaves, is breaking your heart at the pain of a child.  Prayer begins when God’s Spirit lifts your mind and heart to pay attention to the Divine Majesty.

All three scripture readings today deal with the attitude of insistence and persistence.  In the reading from Exodus, Moses trusts God even when attacked by a superior army.   Aaron and Hur help Moses keep his drooping hands aloft to assure Israel’s victory against Amalek.  This is persistence.

In the second reading, Paul urges his young disciple Timothy to learn and proclaim the good news both when it is convenient and inconvenient.  What does insistence in learning mean today?  It means educating ourselves in practical wisdom about current issues.  October is the month dedicated to our prophetic witness to the sanctity of life.  This is a good season to refresh our understanding of the entire range of life issues.

In the gospel, Luke’s community had a question.  When will the Risen Jesus return to establish the final reign of God?  In response to the question, Jesus assures his hearers that it is necessary to persist in prayer and never give up hope that justice will prevail over unfairness.  He then tells the parable about the widow and the unjust judge.

Luke introduces the parable with an editorial explanation so that everyone will be clear about meaning of the parable.  He says that constant prayer and confidence in God’s promises are necessary in the spiritual life.

The story unfolds about two figures.  One is a widow, among the most vulnerable in society, who has been wronged and seeks justice.

The other is a judge, powerful and respected.  Jewish law obligates him to protect “widows and orphans” in a special way.  The judge refuses to do his job, proclaiming neither respect for God nor for the community.

It is only when the widow continues to bother him and threatens his status that he relents.  The message is clear.  Just as the widow is persistent, so also are God’s chosen ones to beseech God and to speak out seeking justice while awaiting God’s help.  The time of justice is coming even though it seems delayed.

When people are treated unfairly, they are tempted to take the law into their own hands and retaliate against violators of their respectability.  Jesus teaches his followers to turn the other cheek, to pray for those who persecute them.  The role of disciples is to treat oppressors with kindness, and to trust that the role of God is to punish the defilers of justice in God’s mysterious way – by allowing the violent to suffer the consequences of their violence (Gen. 9.6; Exodus 21:12; Mt. 26.52).

Today’s readings urge patience and persistence in dealing with injustice.  Patience and persistence.  They seem to be at odds with one another.  The first requires what seems like inactivity.  The other involves active insistence, a holy indignation at inaction.  For the Christian the message is this: Wait for God.  But don’t stop asking or trusting God.  God always will give you what you need for your journey home to God.

It is difficult to understand how you and I can persevere in prayer so that prayer becomes unceasing.  One suggestion is the traditional prayer called “The Jesus Prayer.”  You pray the phrase, “Lord Jesus, Son of the Living God” while inhaling a breath.  And then you pray the phrase “have mercy on me” while exhaling.

In this form of prayer, inhale the sacred name of Jesus and exhale a plea for mercy.  At first, begin by sitting quietly and concentrating on your breathing.  When you are persistent, every breath will become a prayer and every moment of life – when while sleeping – an offering of praise.

What does it mean for us to be stewards of prayer?  It means to embrace our identity as contemplatives in action.  Pray for the grace “to be contemplatives in action.”

Fr. Craig Boly, S.J.

God’s Healing Word

Peace and grace to you all!

Naman the Syrian reminds us of those who have a deep need for help but are reluctant to listen to what will be a remedy.  Upon following prophetic advice, they discover God’s attentive, healing love.  God’s Holy Word is a Living Reality that brings healing!

The healing of the 10 lepers is the Gospel reading for the US National Feast of Thanksgiving.  Lepers in ancient times suffered at multiple levels.  They suffered loss by devastating health change, loss of livelihood, mobility and perhaps most crucial was loss of being part of a community that cares about them.    Imagine what that would feel like.

Some parallels of loss today might be immigrants living in the US without Citizenship status.  They have lost their home in search of a better life and have largely been rejected by the local residents.  People who have lost employment or those impacted by permanent health changes.  Someone who lost a child, a spouse or been divorced.  It might also include our loss of a sense of security because of corruption, lying and betrayal by people in state and national leadership positions, terrorist attacks, violence and crime.  There is loss of life and health because pandemic virus and permanent damage and death because of the experimental vaccines.  Those who suffer from PTSD and cannot break free of Hyper-vigilance and eruptive triggers destroying relationships and their own families, abuse survivors who have been unwept and unloved.  We all have some loss in common with the Lepers in the story.

The next part of the story includes a sense of journey and a passage of time.  They were not healed immediately but they discovered personal healing while they were on their way.

I think that this is realistic for most people.  Yes there are those stories of miraculous events when healing happened immediately but those are infrequent.

More often, we ourselves plod along the journey of life and cry out to God, like the lepers, for help and deliverance from oppressive situations, abuse, addiction, hardened, unchanging attitudes, brokenness and the pain of sin: “Jesus, Master have pity on us!”  We keep calling out until we are tired of it and we wonder if our cry is ever heard.  In the meantime, as we move along our faith must be tested and deepened—like the lepers.

This Gospel story extends to us a strong and real hope:  yes healing does happen!  It is possible! It may require plunging into a program or engaging in personal counseling on several occasions but it does come.  Sometimes we discover change within ourselves while we are caring for others around us.  Sometimes it comes imperceptibly over time and we change a little as we go but it does come and Jesus always hears us.

One of my favorite parts of the story is the gratitude shown by the one who returns.  I think this is the one who was most thoughtful.  Remember the movie “Little Big Man” with Dustin Hoffman?  The scene near the end when an Indian, Old Lodge Skins, who has lost his physical health, is going blind.  He knows he is dying, so he prays: “O Lord God, I thank you for having made me a human being.  I thank you for giving me life, for giving me eyes to see and enjoy your world.  But most of all, Lord, I thank you for my sickness and my blindness because I have learned more from these than from my health and from my sight.”

There are losses and pain in life but there are also new experiences ahead, new loves and joys, new hopes beyond grief.  The final healing is to be cured of ingratitude.  Blessings to you! +++ Fr. Peter

The Power Of Faith

May the God of all grace preserve you in peace and health!

We are reminded that faith is one the most powerful forces in the universe.  It is striking to hear the Apostles request that the Lord increase their faith.  It seems odd because we usually assume that their faith would be much more confident and solid since they were experiencing daily life with Jesus and were witnesses to the wonders he did in their presence every day.  Jesus’ response is also striking: “if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, . . .”  The allegory that Jesus uses of the mulberry tree is supposed to help us understand the power of faith.  Evidently, the Apostles did not yet have to use faith because Jesus was physically with them.  St. Paul said that faith is the evidence of things not seen so we can deduce that the Apostles would only begin to use their faith when they could no longer see Jesus.  It’s like us with God, Saints and angels, we can’t see them but we believe they are there.  Today we understand that faith is first given as a gift from God (one of the theological virtues in baptism), but then it must be used and put to the test in order for it to grow and become a virtue—a personal strength of good habit.  The second part of the Gospel tells us that once we grow in practicing our faith and do God’s will, we are not to expect recognition or even a special place in heaven.  We must regard ourselves as servants of Christ, who accomplishes all things and wonders through us.  For our part, we are simply doing our duty of serving our Master.  A good example of this is reflected in the life of Brother Andre Bessette, CSC of Montreal who was Canonized as the first Saint of the Congregation of the Holy Cross on October 17, 2012.  Br. Andre was famous for his prayers to St. Joseph through which, many thousands were healed.  Brother Andre always deferred praise and credit to St. Joseph and God’s love and mercy rather than himself.  He emphatically insisted the he was only an instrument to be used as God willed.  People like Br. Andre are an inspiration of faith to all of us and remind us that God wants to do good things through us if we can just grow in humble faith and trust in his power to save.

May God continue to fill you with gifts of faith, holiness and love! +++ Fr. Peter

Serve Others!

Shalom! Peace to you!

The readings this weekend remind us of last week’s call to reflect on the order of our priorities but with a more urgent tone.  Amos’ words “woe to the complacent” are intended to discomfort us to the point of taking action in changing our lives.  Jesus’ account of Lazarus and the rich man goes even deeper because the woes that the rich man is experiencing seem to have a more intense and possibly eternal character to them while those that Amos warns of are temporal.  Jesus is really encouraging us to think about the day we give our account to God.  A few things about this story are important for us to understand.  First, like the rich man, God has given us many good things in life and we will give an account of how we use them.  Second, it appears that the greatest problem that the rich man has is his attitude toward Lazarus.  From his place of torment, his attitude toward Lazarus hasn’t changed.  He still seems to look down on Lazarus as an inferior to himself.  We are reminded that poor people don’t have the same chances in life as the rich.  Lazarus received what was bad while the rich man received what was good.  Lazarus could have grown up in any one of the thousands of slums in cities across the world or he was born to addicted parents.  Who knows?  The possibilities are endless. Third, it isn’t clear whether the rich man’s torments are eternal or not.  We don’t know whether he is eternally damned or undergoing purification from his sins.  There is a ray of hope that he will suffer—that is change his attitude—and be free upon his change.  Either way, it is obvious that he is suffering greatly with no escape.

We are supposed to feel concern when we hear these readings.  We are concerned for ourselves and the account we will give and we are concerned with care for the poor—God cares and so do we!  Paul’s letter to Timothy gives us encouragement and direction: we are people reborn in Christ, truly committed to love God and neighbor.  Each day we are capable of helping another person in the name of Jesus Christ.  Each day we find renewal in the grace we are given through these opportunities.   The Gospel is the Good News, that when we turn from selfishness and try to serve others, God’s mercy helps us.  Our efforts also help the Lazarus’ of our day share in the joy of God’s kingdom!  May God’s blessings be with you all! +++ Fr. Peter

Give Back To God!

Peace and blessings to you all!

This weekend’s readings call us to reflect upon the underlying behaviors that manifest what our priorities truly are.  The reading from Amos reveals that the community, although observing religious ceremony, is not putting into practice the principles of their religion.  Rather, their actions in personal life are corrupt and directly opposed to the values of their religion.  The poor and needy are not just neglected, they are exploited in their vulnerability!  Jesus tells a story to his disciples (you and me) that shows how people are usually industrious and creative when it comes to serving themselves and their own interests but when it comes to serving God or other people, we do not make full use of all their talents and energies.  Take a minute to consider your talents and gifts: your time, wealth and possessions, education, skills, your love, your relationships, especially yourself and your good name.  Note them all.  Recognize that ultimately, God has given all of these things to you.  Plus, God has put an incredibly powerful Spirit within you to do something good.  You know this because you have made sacrifices along the way to achieve your goals and desires!  Now please consider what goals you want to accomplish for Jesus Christ and God’s kingdom.  You and I, all of us together, have an incredible power to do great things for God!  Both history and personal experience show that great things are usually accomplished one little step at a time, one prayer at a time, one heartbeat at a time.  One thing that I would like you to consider is that most parishes are financed by less than half of the people who attend Mass.  Your parish needs and deserves the support of everyone!  Please seriously consider giving back to God through your parish.  The jar of flour and the jug of oil will not run dry!  God always provides!  Dream of what your community can accomplish when we all work together!  May God bless you always! +++ Fr. Peter

God Waits With Love

May the light of Christ fill your hearts!

The Gospel readings this weekend communicate something fundamentally important to our understanding of God’s care for the human race.  In the first two stories, there is a search for something of great value that has been lost and when it is found, the owner finds cause for a joy filled celebration.  The third story, popularly known as “the prodigal son,” opens a way to an enriched and endearing understanding of God’s love and solicitude for us, his children.  One important component included in the story of the prodigal son is carried forward from today’s first reading from Exodus: people seem to get off track very quickly and easily and fall into sin.  Some of us know this by our own personal experience or through family or friends who seem to live in a manner that is disconnected from God.  One point of the story that I find particularly moving is that while en route on his return, the father sees the son “while he is still a long way off, and was filled with compassion. He ran to his son, embraced him and kissed him.”  From the first instance of this scene we can deduce that the father watched the horizon for his son every single day.  The father never forgot his son.  He never stopped hoping, he never stopped loving or longing for his son.  At sunrise each day, his first prayer was for his distant son and at the moment of his return all was forgiven.  For those of us who are sometimes distressed about people who seem to be distant from God or the Church we find hope and encouragement knowing that God is constantly working silently and secretly in each heart to call each one home.  We ourselves may get angry, frustrated or just plain give up on them but God never does.  It is truly wonderful to know that God is the one who saves us and it is God who will save them.  My the Father of Mercy fill you with joy and peace! +++ Fr. Peter

Embracing Sacrifice

May God’s peace dwell within you!

Although it is true that the Gospel always calls us to change, this weekend’s readings poignantly challenge us to be open to new ways of thinking.  In Paul’s letter to Philemon (beloved), the request to welcome the return of Onesimus, a slave, is directed toward the un-named master who owns Onesimus.  The Apostle asks the master to regard Onesimus as Paul’s own beloved brother rather than as a slave or property possessed by the owner.   To the slave owner, this is a radical change to be sure!  Likewise in the Gospel, Jesus sets forth some very challenging conditions for discipleship.  The use of the word “hate” in regards to one’s own life or family is strong indeed and Jesus uses it to make a definitive point.  The followers of Jesus must decide that the highest priority in life is God and sharing in his work of completing God’s kingdom on earth requires unswerving commitment– it may require separation from one’s own family!  To be a disciple of Jesus means to follow him not only to Church on Sunday but also into the market place on Monday.

The imagery of constructing a tower helps us visualize the reality that one can give top priority to Jesus with words and even demonstrate a certain level of commitment by religious practice.  But there will be times when upholding these priorities will be challenged and choices must be made.  Jesus and his disciples recognize these times as crosses because they are difficult.  As difficult as some of these challenges may be, we try not to feel overwhelmed or afraid because they are also cross roads by which we grow stronger in faith, love and understanding in our relationship with God.  The cross is central to new life in Christ.  For disciples of Jesus, the cross is salvation from compromising ourselves in every form, it is dying to what takes us away from God, and rising to what leads us closer to God.  And we see in our own little crosses marks of conversion and a share in the saving power of Christ’s cross.  In what ways are you experiencing challenges to discipleship?  What cross or sacrifice are you being asked to embrace?  Ask Jesus and Mary for light to guide you through whatever it is.  May the God of all grace preserve you in peace, health and joy! +++ Fr. Peter