Give Back To God!

Peace and blessings to you all!

This weekend’s readings call us to reflect upon the underlying behaviors that manifest what our priorities truly are. The reading from Amos reveals that the community, although observing religious ceremony, is not putting into practice the principles of their religion. Rather, their actions in personal life are corrupt and directly opposed to the values of their religion. The poor and needy are not just neglected, they are exploited in their vulnerability! Jesus tells a story to his disciples (you and me) that shows how people are usually industrious and creative when it comes to serving themselves and their own interests but when it comes to serving God or other people, we do not make full use of all their talents and energies. Take a minute to consider your talents and gifts: your time, wealth and possessions, education, skills, your love, your relationships, especially yourself and your good name. Note them all. Recognize that ultimately, God has given all of these things to you. Plus, God has put an incredibly powerful Spirit within you to do something good. You know this because you have made sacrifices along the way to achieve your goals and desires! Now please consider what goals you want to accomplish for Jesus Christ and God’s kingdom. You and I, all of us together, have an incredible power to do great things for God! Both history and personal experience show that great things are usually accomplished one little step at a time, one prayer at a time, one heart beat at a time. One thing that I would like you to consider is that most parishes are financed by less than half of the people who attend Mass. Your parish needs and deserves the support of everyone! Please seriously consider giving back to God through your parish. The jar of flour and the jug of oil will not run dry! God always provides! Dream of what your community can accomplish when we all work together! May God bless you always! +++ Fr. Peter

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