Trust In God’s Blessings!

Peace be with you!

In all of our vocations, whether we are single, married, religious or ordained, we are called and challenged in various ways to grow in trust and confidence in God.

In the first reading from the Wisdom of Solomon, the writer knows that the gift of God’s wisdom far surpasses any other gifts and is to be preferred above all worldly riches because true happiness, fulfillment and freedom will accompany divine wisdom.

In the Letter to the Hebrews, we are reminded of some of the characteristics of God’s Word (Jesus).  It (he) is “living and effective, sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating between soul and spirit, joints and marrow, able to discern reflections and thoughts of the heart.” . . . nothing is concealed from him, but everything lies open before his eyes.

In the Gospel story, wisdom has led the man to follow God’s commandments.  For living in a right relationship with God entails keeping the commandments.  The wisdom that comes from God is our power and safety for doing good.  Although this is not always easy, there is an abiding joy and peace because of that.  Today Jesus reminds us that divine wisdom can require something more of us.  Sometimes God’s wisdom leads us to doing something extra or perhaps something we have never done before.  God can lead us to do something that will be very difficult and even counter intuitive to our usual way of thinking.  God’s wisdom can lead us to give up good things in view of a much greater good that is revealed to us.  Wisdom can lead us to give up our own sense of security and personal comfort in order to discover how wonderful and amazing God’s providence and care is.  God is trustworthy!

For the rich man in the story, the extra step of surrendering wealth and possessions in exchange for trust in God was something he was simply afraid to do.

Today Jesus looks upon us with the same love as he did the young man and says “you are lacking one thing.”  We know this is divine wisdom calling us to follow Jesus more closely—no matter what vocation we have.  Perhaps we are lacking forgiveness, speaking out for what is right, or building bridges to peace and healing.  Some of these may seem impossible but we are reminded that all things are possible with God.

Following Jesus requires putting our trust and confidence in God who can do all things.  God is calling some to surrender their lives completely so that they may be enriched with a religious vocation and serve the Church.  God’s gift of grace for a religious vocation is beyond compare.  God’s dreams and desires for those who trust him far surpass our own dreams.  Is there one thing lacking for you? Trust God to lead you into greater blessings!  God bless you always! +++ Fr. Peter

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